Have a Less Than Ideal Internet Service? Blame Your Kids (Sort of)

Stick with me on this. I recently had an ‘a-ha’ moment when one of my daughters returned home from school—complete with two laundry bags full of clothes and an appetite to match. Unfortunately, that ‘a-ha’ moment occurred thirty-seconds into a nice warm shower when things changed drastically. The water temperature decreased from warm to borderline […]

2020 Technology Trends

 A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to take in a presentation on 2020 technology trends by Justin Dustzadeh, the CTO of Equinix, and thought it might be a worthy topic to share on our blog. Many of these trends are being driven by technology innovations, like telemedicine, tactile internet, Autonomous vehicles, and […]

Technology Debt, Part Two

Back in February, we talked about the concept of Technology Debt, which is, the longer you wait to implement new technology, the harder it is to do when the time comes. Why?

Latency and Bandwidth: Brothers from another Mother.

When it comes to network connectivity, bandwidth and latency are ‘brothers from another mother’ – close enough to be related but different enough to be noticeable. Understanding this distinction can mean the difference between an acceptable user experience and utter frustration.

FlexNetworks Update – Spring 2020

If you’ve been following our progress these past couple of years, you would have noticed a steady upward trajectory in terms of our geographic growth in both of our operating territories of Saskatchewan and the National Capital Region. This growth has been fueled by the pent-up demand for accessible, affordable, ultra high-speed connectivity by many […]

High Tech Plumbers

We’re high-tech Plumbers and we’re proud of it! We are under no illusions about our place in the Canadian Telecom universe at FlexNetworks. We are next-generation plumbers. That’s it, that’s all.

Cable vs Fibre

Why should my business upgrade from cable (coax) Internet to Fibre Optic Internet? I’ve heard variations of this question many times over my career. And my initial response is usually the same: you more than likely don’t. If your business only requires basic download connectivity for web surfing and email, doesn’t utilize real-time applications like […]